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das Leben

The way to find the most profound value

What I need to practice is to focus on what I'm delivering.

The reason that springs up to mind why I go off track when writing in English is that I try to use some fancy words and grammar,

which is a good thing obviously but it prevents me from getting down to the gist, even I can feel it right now.


So, what I'm pointing out is the chat we had on the phone on Sunday.

I was sort of complaining the reality that I faced, which was quite intense.

Surely, he was listening to me carefully and kindly.

I was rambling about the conversation I had on Sunday evening, which was about money and life.

I was asking him where my position would be and what I would do.

I was like "I'm so confused, puzzeled and it feels like dreadful." stuff like that.

He said, "Jun, it is normal."


Sadly, I can't remember what he was saying excatly, which is the reason why I have to record it when something comes up.

I got actually distracted by the work that I have to do. Today, I feel quite bad in both ways mentally and physically.


I'm trying to remind myself of what he meant.

The first thing is that he recognises the reality that money has got so much power on it and it has influenced people's lives in various ways.

The more time goes, the more money is thought to be the compass of life easily due to the fact that we are supposed to do everything for a living, which covers all over the world and applies to every single behaviour human-beings have.

He said, in modern society people can get more addicted to and obssesed with money and lost their own compasses which means also values each person has got.


Thus, what he suggested is that face the reality, live in the moment whole-heartedly, being honest so that I can see which value has got more profound meaning in my life. In a day, by living in the vulnerable reality, I will see what's happening, what I'm given, which actions I will take, and what occurs to me to trigger, which implies the value that I consider the most crucially.


I will see.

We will see.


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