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das Leben

Thoughts on the difference between desire and greed

People tend to be confused with the meaning of desire. We are likely to think that being desirable is greedy. 
Desire, however, has nothing to do with greed. THEY ARE NOT IDENTICAL. It is easily recognised that greed has got a negative connotation, which misleads people into thinking that desire has also gat the similar connotation to greed. 

Desire must be perceived as the word that is closely related to good and truth because desire comes from your own true self, which means anything that doesn't come from your self is not desire but greed. This is why I'm assuring that they are totally different. 

If I make it clearer, I can say that desire is your own intrinsic value given to you, while greed is based on external reasons that are normally superficial. The more you desire, the more likely you are to find your true self. The more you become greedy, the less likely you are to find your own voice. So, no longer get confused and pursue what your heart says thoroughly. 

'das Leben' 카테고리의 다른 글

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